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CHARMEC - Achievements

Industrial relevance and academic excellence are difficult to measure. However, a rough estimation of the quality of the CHARMEC research can be had by studying

  • Willingness of industry to further support the research
  • Papers accepted by international refereed journals and conferences
  • Academic degrees earned

In all these areas, we believe that CHARMEC has been successful.

International Evaluation

CHARMEC's 3rd international evaluation took place in March, 2003. A team of evaluators was appointed by VINNOVA:

  • Prof John S Baras of University of Maryland (USA)
  • Prof Cesar Dopazo of CIEMAT, Madrid (SPAIN)
  • Dr Robert D Fröhling of Spoornet Engineering, Pretoria (SOUTH AFRICA)
  • Prof Dudley Roach of Rail CRE, Rockhampton (AUSTRALIA)
  • Prof Per Stenius, Helsinki University, Helsingfors (FINLAND)

The report from the evaluation group was very positive. Some extracts:

  • "CHARMEC has established an internationally recognized multidisciplinary Centre of Excellence in railway mechanics with a critical mass of senior research competence. Based on good project management and engineering expertise, excellent results are achieved on vital projects within the railway industry. CHARMEC has been recognized by its industry partners for its international contact network by which they obtain access to the global railway business."
  • "CHARMEC has reached over the critical mass and has established itself as an attractor for new PhD students and senior investigators. Academic indicators of excellence have also been met both in qualitative and quantitative terms. The continued strong support of the participating industries is a sign of a lively scientific and technical dynamics. Being invited to join industrial/university consortia for participation at the EU Sixth Framework Programme, attracting new industrial partners, cooperating with EU companies and being consulted by Deutsche Bahn on the 1998 high speed train Eschede accident are significant and worth mentioning distinctions."

The full report is available on-line, as is the previous evaluation conducted in March 2000.

Reports and Papers

Scientific Excellence

  • Research degrees gained within the field of railway mechanics at Chalmers are included in the list of researchers at CHARMEC.

International Contacts

  • Over the years the railway researchers at CHARMEC have built up a comprehensive contact world-wide network through conference participation, joint seminars, working groups, joint projects and personal visits.

EU R&D projects

  • At the time of writing (May 2022) CHARMEC participates (has participated) in 22 EU-projects and one European Network of Excellence in railway mechanics. CHARMEC has been Scientific & Technical coordinator of 4 of these (INNOTRACK, D-RAIL, In2Track, and In2Track3). See the research page for details.


Triennial report 2021
CHARMEC - Chalmers University of Technology - SE-412 96 Göteborg