Posted: 2025-01-10
Dr John Cookson will on Thursday 23rd January 2025 at 15:00 in M2 room Newton give a presentation with the title Functional failure of railway wheels due to extreme temperature variation under heavy haul braking conditions.
Posted: 2024-12-18
Eric Voortman Landström will present his PhD-thesis Thermomechanics of Tread Braking: Braking Capacity of Railway Wheels on Friday 2024-01-24 at 09.00. The defense will be held in lecture hall HC2 and online, see Chalmers M2 calendarium. The faculty appointed opponent will be Dr John Cookson from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia
Posted: 2024-11-16
Suchet Bysani presented his Licentiate thesis Influence of foreign objects on derailment risks in railway switches 2024-11-15. Discussion leader was Associate Professor Matti Rantatalo, Luleå University of Technology.
Abstract and summary are available at Chalmers' research site.
Posted: 2024-10-11
The concluding technical report of In2Track3 is now available. The book which includes much research from CHARMEC is can be download in single page format or spread format.
It is also available at Chalmers' research site.
Posted: 2024-09-21
Henrik Vilhelmson presented his Licentiate thesis Towards structural design optimisation of railway crossings 2024-09-20. Discussion leader was Dr Jou-Yi Shih, ZynaMic Engineering AB.
Abstract and summary are available at Chalmers' research site.
Posted: 2024-09-01
Mohammad Salahi Nezhad presented his PhD-thesis Numerical investigations of rolling contact fatigue crack growth in a rail head 2024-08-30. The faculty appointed opponent was Professor Roger Lewis from the University of Sheffield in Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Abstract and summary are available at Chalmers' research site.
Posted: 2024-08-30
Nasrin Talebi presented her Licentiate thesis Predicting rolling contact fatigue crack initiation in highly deformed rail steel
Abstract and summary are available at Chalmers' research site.
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