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Chalmers Railway Mechanics is a Centre of Excellence in Railway Mechanics established at Chalmers University of Technology.

The formal agreement was signed at The Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development (NUTEK) in Stockholm on 7 July 1995.


Posted: 2024-06-29
Nasrin Talebi will present her Licentiate thesis Predicting rolling contact fatigue crack initiation in highly deformed rail steel Thursday 2024-08-29 at 10:00 in the VDL lecture hall. Discussion leader is Daniel Leidermark, Linköping University

Posted: 2024-06-20
Mohammad Salahi Nezhad will present his PhD-thesis Numerical investigations of rolling contact fatigue crack growth in a rail head on Friday 2024-08-30 at 09.00. The defense will be held in lecture hall VDL, see Chalmers IMS calendarium. The faculty appointed opponent will be Professor Roger Lewis from the University of Sheffield in Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Posted: 2024-06-15
Daniel Gren presented his PhD-thesis Fatigue crack behaviour in pearlitic railway steels subjected to large shear deformation on Friday 2024-06-14. The faculty appointed opponent was Doctor Anton Hohenwarter från University of Leoben, Department of Materials Science in Leoben, Austria.

Posted: 2024-06-07
Erika Steyn presented her PhD-thesis Thermo-mechanical behaviour of pearlitic railway steels on Wednesday 2024-06-05. The faculty appointed opponent was Doctor Klaus Six from Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH in Graz, Austria.
Abstract and summary are available at Chalmers' research site.

Posted: 2024-05-25
Marko Milosevic presented his PhD-thesis Model-based condition monitoring of railway switches and crossings on Friday 2024-05-24. The faculty appointed opponent was Professor Luis Baeza from the Technical University of Valencia.
Abstract and summary are available at Chalmers' research site.

Posted: 2024-03-28
Björn Andersson presented his PhD-thesis Thermo-Mechanical-Metallurgical Modeling of Pearlitic Steels and Railhead Repair Welding on Tuesday 2024-03-26. The faculty appointed opponent was Håkan Hallberg, Associate Professor at Lund University .
Abstract and summary are available at the Chalmers research site.

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Triennial report 2021
CHARMEC - Chalmers University of Technology - SE-412 96 Göteborg