RESEARCHERSIn the list of persons involved in CHARMEC's research projects below, e-mail addresses are given as name_at_organisation where _at_ should be replaced with @. Albin JohnssonDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: February 2011 Licentiate thesis: Multi-objective optimization of railway bogie suspension damping Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Sebastian Stichel, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Projects: SD6 Ali EsmaeiliDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: December 2016 Licentiate thesis: Modelling of cyclic and viscous behaviour of pearlitic steels. Application to tread braked railway wheels Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Mathias Wallin, from Lund University Doctoral degree: January 2019 Doctoral dissertation: Modelling of cyclic and viscous behaviour of thermomechanically loaded pearlitic steels; Application to tread braked railway wheels External PhD examiner: Dr. David Fletcher from University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Projects: MU32 Anders BergkvistDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: June 2005 Licentiate thesis: On the crack driving force in elastic-plastic fracture mechanics with application to rolling contact fatigue in rails Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Erland Johnson, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden Projects: MU11 Anders BoströmDegree: Professor Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1526 Projects: VB8 Anders EkbergDegree: Professor, Head of Competence Centre Licentiate of Engineering: February 1997 Licentiate thesis: Rolling contact fatigue of railway wheels Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Erland Yhland, SKF, Göteborg, Sweden Doctoral degree: April 2000 Doctoral dissertation: Rolling contact fatigue of railway wheels - towards tread life prediction through numerical modelling considering material imperfections, probabilistic loading and operational data External PhD examiner: Professor Michael W Brown, University of Sheffield, UK Docent degree: August 2005 Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 3480 Projects: TS19 TS20 TS24 MU4 MU9 MU10 MU18 MU19 MU20 MU21 MU22 MU25 MU26 MU27 MU31 MU33 MU38 EU6 EU9 EU10 EU13 EU14 EU16 EU17 EU18 EU19 EU20 EU21 SP7 SP11 SP13 SP14 SP20 SP22 SP25 SP26 SP31 SP32 SP33 Anders JohanssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: September 2003 Licentiate thesis: Out-of-round railway wheels - literature survey, field tests and numerical simulations Licentiate seminar leader: Dr-Ing Sebastian Stichel, Dept of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: September 2005 Doctoral dissertation: Out-of-round railway wheels – causes and consequences: an investigation including field tests, out-of-roundness measurements and numerical simulations External PhD examiner: Dr Simon Iwnicki, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK E-mail: Projects: TS5 TS10 EU10 SP21 Anders Karlström (now Anders Tengvall)Degree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: October 2004 Licentiate thesis: Modelling of ground vibrations from railways using an analytical approach Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Amir M Kaynia, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Doctoral degree: October 2006 Doctoral dissertation: On the modelling of train induced ground vibrations with analytical methods External PhD examiner: Professor Andrei V Metrikine, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Projects: VB8 Anders SkyttebolDegree: PhD Doctoral degree: September 2004 Doctoral dissertation: Continuous welded railway rails - residual stress analyses, fatigue assessments and experiments External PhD examiner: Professor Fredrick V Lawrence Jr, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Projects: MU8 Andreas DraganisDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: December 2011 Licentiate thesis: Numerical simulation of thermo-mechanical rolling contact using an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation Licentiate seminar leader: Docent Mathias Wallin, Lund University Doctoral degree: September 2014 Doctoral dissertation: Numerical simulation of thermomechanically coupled transient rolling contact — An arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian approach External PhD examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst, Leibniz Universität, Hannover, Germany Projects: MU25 Ann-Brith StrömbergDegree: PhD, Docent Research department: Mathematical Sciences E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 53 78 Projects: MU26 Annika Igeland (now Annika Lundberg)Degree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: October 1994 Licentiate thesis: Railhead corrugation growth on tangent tracks - consequences and causes Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Georg Lindgren, Mathematical Statistics, Lund Institute of Technology,Sweden Doctoral degree: January 1997 Doctoral dissertation: Dynamic train/track interaction - simulation of railhead corrugation growth under a moving bogie using mathematical models combined with full-scale measurements External PhD examiner: Dr David J Thompson, ISVR, Southampton, UK Projects: TS2 Astrid PieringerDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: December 2008 Licentiate thesis: Modelling of wheel/rail interaction considering roughness and discrete irregularities Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Franck Poisson, SNCF, France Doctoral degree: May 2011 Doctoral dissertation: Time-domain modelling of high-frequency wheel/rail interaction External PhD examiner: Dr. Luis Baeza, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Research department: ACE E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 2209 Projects: VB10 VB11 VB12 VB13 SP30 SP31 SP32 Bengt ÅkessonDegree: Professor Research department: M2 E-mail: Projects: EU10 Birger KarlssonDegree: Professor Research department: IMS E-mail: Projects: MU2 MU7 MU13 MU15 MU16 MU23 MU24 EU10 Björn AnderssonDegree: MSc Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 730 659 489 Projects: MU37 Björn PaulssonDegree: Professor (h.c.) Research department: M2 E-mail: Projects: SP28 SP33 Björn PålssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: April 2011 Licentiate thesis: Towards optimization of railway turnouts Licentiate seminar leader: Dipl.-Ing Dirk Nicklisch, DB Netz, Germany Doctoral degree: February 2014 Doctoral dissertation: Optimization of track switches External PhD examiner: Professor Stefano Bruni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 14 91 Projects: TS13 TS18 TS21 TS23 TS24 EU10 EU13 EU16 SP24 SP30 Carl Fredrik HartungDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: November 2002 Licentiate thesis: A full-scale test rig for railway rolling noise Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Hans Jonasson, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden Projects: VB4 Caroline AnsinDegree: MSc Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 736 463 480 Projects: MU40 Casey JessopDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: March 2017 Licentiate thesis: Damage and thermally induced defects in railway materials Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Kamellia Dalaei, ESAB, Sweden Doctoral degree: June 2019 Doctoral dissertation: Damage and defects in railway materials ñ Influence of mechanical and thermal damage on crack initiation and propagation External PhD examiner: Professor Sabine Denis, University of Lorraine, France Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1310 Projects: MU29 Christer PerssonDegree: Professor Research department: IMS E-mail:> Phone: +46 31 772 1251 Projects: MU28 MU29 Clas AnderssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: November 2000 Licentiate thesis: Modelling and simulation of general train/track interaction Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Mats Berg, Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: June 2003 Doctoral dissertation: Modelling and simulation of train-track interaction including wear prediction External PhD examiner: Professor Mats Berg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Projects: TS4 EU3 Daniel GrenDegree: MSc Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 768 449 333 Projects: MU35 Daniel ThuressonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: May 2001 Licentiate thesis: Thermo-mechanical behaviour of sliding contact Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Johan Hulthén, Volvo Trucks, Gothenburg, Sweden Doctoral degree: October 2006 Doctoral dissertation: Thermomechanics of block brakes External PhD examiner: Professor Andrew Day, University of Bradford, UK Projects: SD1 Dimitris NikasDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: June 2016 Licentiate thesis: Effect of temperature on mechanical properties of railway wheel steels Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Ru Peng, Linköping University, Sweden Doctoral degree: October 2018 Doctoral dissertation: Influence of combined thermal and mechanical loadings on pearlitic steel microstructure in railway wheels and rails External PhD examiner: Professor Reinhard Pippan, ESI-Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1258 Projects: MU28 Dimosthenis FlorosDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: November 2016 Licentiate thesis: The effect of inelastic deformation on crack loading Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Bo Alfredsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: January 2019 Doctoral dissertation: Finite element procedures for crack path prediction in multi-axial fatigue External PhD examiner: Professor Bo Alfredsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 14 92 Projects: MU33 Eka LanslerDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: January 2005 Licentiate thesis: Subsurface rolling contact fatigue cracks in railway wheels - elastoplastic deformations and mechanisms of propagation Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Ulf Stigh, University of Skövde, Sweden Projects: MU10 Elena KaboDegree: Professor Docent degree: December 2008 Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1302 Projects: TS20 TS24 MU9 MU10 MU21 MU22 MU27 MU31 MU38 EU10 EU13 EU14 EU16 SP7 SP8 SP11 SP13 SP16 SP21 SP22 SP25 SP30 SP31 SP32 SP33 Elias KassaDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: December 2004 Licentiate thesis: Simulation of dynamic interaction between train and turnout Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Johan Oscarsson, Interfleet Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Doctoral degree: October 2007 Doctoral dissertation: Dynamic train-turnout interaction – mathematical modelling, numerical simulation and field testing External PhD examiner: Dr Robert D Fröhling, Transnet, Republic of South Africa Projects: TS7 SP17 Emil AggestamDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: May 2018 Licentiate thesis: Simulation of vertical dynamic interaction between railway vehicle and slab track Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Mats Berg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 19 78 Projects: TS19 Emil GustavssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: March 22, 2013 Licentiate thesis: Contributions to dual subgradient optimization and maintenance scheduling Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Elina Rönnberg of Linköping University Doctoral degree: May 2015 Doctoral dissertation: Topics in convex and mixed binary linear optimization External PhD examiner: Professor Dag Haugland, University of Bergen, Norway Projects: MU26 Eric LandströmDegree: Msc Research department: M2 E-mail: Projects: SD11 Erika SteynDegree: MSc Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 764 119 326 Projects: MU36 Erland JohnsonDegree: PhD, Adjunct Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 33 165622 Projects: SP7 Fredrik LarssonDegree: Professor Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1979 Projects: TS12 MU17 MU20 MU25 MU31 MU33 MU38 MU40 EU10 Göran JohanssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: June 2004 Licentiate thesis: Constitutive modeling of large ratcheting strains Licentiate seminar leader: Dr-Ing Andreas Menzel, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany Doctoral degree: September 2006 Doctoral dissertation: On the modeling of large ratcheting strains and anisotropy in pearlitic steel External PhD examiner: Professor Bob Svendsen, University of Dortmund, Germany Projects: MU14 EU10 Hamed RonasiDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: September 2010 Licentiate thesis: Towards the identification of wheel-rail contact forces Licentiate seminar leader: Adjunct Professor Torbjörn Ekevid, Linnaeus university, Växjö Doctoral degree: March 2012 Doctoral dissertation: Inverse identification on dynamic wheel-rail contact forces External PhD examiner: Professor Tadeusz Uhl, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Polen Projects: TS12 Hans AnderssonDegree: Professor em Projects: MU10 Henrik VilhelmsonDegree: MSc Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: Projects: TS23 Håkan HanssonDegree: LicEng Projects: MU21 Håkan LaneDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: June 2005 Licentiate thesis: Rail vehicle – track structure – subgrade computational analysis Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Mats Berg, Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Doctoral degree: May 2007 Doctoral dissertation: Computational railway dynamics --- Integrated track--train--subgrade modeling and simulation External PhD examiner: Professor Göran Sandberg, Lund University, Sweden Projects: VB9 Ivan ZenzerovicDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: December 2014 Licentiate thesis: Engineering model for curve squeal formulated in the time-domain Licentiate seminar leader: Dr. Asier Alonso, CEIT, University of Navarra, Spain Doctoral degree: January 2018 Doctoral dissertation: Time-domain modelling of curve squeal: a fast model for one- and two-point wheel/rail contact External PhD examiner: Professor David Thompson, University of Southampton, UK Projects: VB11 Jannik TheyssenDegree: MSc Research department: ACE E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 69 23 Projects: VB13 Jelke DijkstraDegree: Professor Research department: ACE E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 2120 Projects: TS22 Jens NielsenDegree: Professor Licentiate of Engineering: February 1991 Doctoral degree: December 1993 Doctoral dissertation: Train/track interaction - coupling of moving and stationary dynamic systems - theoretical and experimental analysis of railway structures considering wheel and track imperfections External PhD examiner: Professor Klaus Knothe, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Docent degree: November 2000 Research department: M2 E-mail: Projects: TS5 TS7 TS8 TS9 TS10 TS11 TS12 TS13 TS14 TS15 TS17 TS19 TS20 TS21 TS22 TS23 EU2 EU3 EU6 EU7 EU10 EU11 EU12 EU13 EU14 EU16 SP8 SP9 SP10 SP11 SP12 SP13 SP16 SP17 SP18 SP19 SP21 SP23 SP24 SP25 SP26 SP27 SP30 SP32 Jessica FagerlundDegree: Lic Eng Licentiate thesis: Towards active car body suspension in railway vehicles Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Anna-Karin Christensson, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden Research department: Signals and Systems E-mail: Projects: SD5 Jim BrouzoulisDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: May 2010 Licentiate thesis: Numerical simulation of crack propagation and wear in rail Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Bo Alfredsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Doctoral degree: October 2012 Doctoral dissertation: Numerical simulation of crack growth and wear in rails External PhD examiner: Professor Andreas Menzel, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 2253 Projects: TS17 MU20 MU34 EU10 Johan AhlströmDegree: Professor Licentiate of Engineering: December 1998 Licentiate thesis: Phase transformations in railway wheels during wheel slide Doctoral degree: March 2001 Doctoral dissertation: Thermal and mechanical behaviour of railway wheel steel External PhD examiner: Professor Ian Hutchings, University of Cambridge, UK Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1532 Projects: MU2 MU13 MU15 MU16 MU23 MU24 MU28 MU29 MU30 MU32 MU34 MU35 MU36 MU37 MU41 EU10 SP32 Johan JergéusDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: November 1994 Licentiate thesis: Martensite formation in railway wheel flats. Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Lars-Erik Lindgren, Luleå Technical University, Sweden Doctoral degree: January 1998 Doctoral dissertation: Railway wheel flats - martensite formation, residual stresses and crack propagation External PhD examiner: Professor Lennart Karlsson, Luleå Technical University, Sweden Projects: MU3 Johan JonssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: May 1998 Licentiate thesis: Ground vibrations - with reference to railway traffic Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Anders Bodare, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: June 2000 Doctoral dissertation: On ground and structural vibrations related to railway traffic External PhD examiner: Dr-Ing Christian Madshus, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NSI), Oslo, Norway Projects: VB1 VB6 Johan OscarssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: March 1999 Licentiate thesis: Dynamic train/track/ballast interaction Licentiate seminar leader: Mr Sten Hammarlund, MSc, Banverket Headquarters, Borlänge, Sweden Doctoral degree: April 2001 Doctoral dissertation: Dynamic train-track interaction -- linear and non-linear track models with property scatter External PhD examiner: Dr Sören R K Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark Projects: TS1 EU5 Johan SandströmDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: October 2008 Licentiate thesis: Analysis of rail breaks and insulated joint deterioration Licentiate seminar leader: Mr Anders Frick, MSc, Banverket, Sweden Doctoral degree: November 2011 Doctoral dissertation: Wheel, rails and insulated joints -- Damage and failure probability at high speed and axle load External PhD examiner: Professor Stefano Beretta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Research department: Applied Mechanics Projects: MU18 EU10 Johan TillbergDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: June 2008 Licentiate thesis: Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics and RCF in rails Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Andreas Menzel, Department of Mechanics, University of Dortmund, Germany Doctoral degree: December 2010 Doctoral dissertation: Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics – Application to rolling contact fatigue in rails External PhD examiner: Professor Rolf Mahnken, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany Projects: MU17 EU10 Johanna LiljaDegree: Lic Eng Licentiate of Engineering: November 2006 Licentiate thesis: Preliminaries for probabilistic railway sleeper design Licentiate seminar leader: Mr Björn Sjödin, Lic Eng, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, Finspång, Sweden Research department: Applied Mechanics Projects: TS9 Jonas RingsbergDegree: PhD, Docent, Professor Licentiate of Engineering: November 1997 Doctoral degree: September 2000 Doctoral dissertation: Rolling contact fatigue of railway rails with emphasis on crack initiation External PhD examiner: Professor Roderick A Smith, University of Sheffield, U K Docent degree: April 2004 Research department: M2 E-mail: Projects: MU6 MU8 MU11 EU4 EU7 Jonas SjöbergDegree: Professor Research department: Signals and Systems E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1855 Projects: SD5 Kalle KarttunenDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: January 17, 2013 Licentiate thesis: Mechanical track deterioration due to lateral geometry irregularities Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Roger Enblom, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: June 2015 Doctoral dissertation: Influence of rail, wheel and track geometries on wheel and rail degradation External PhD examiner: Professor Rolf Dollevoet, TU Delft, The Netherlands Projects: MU27 Kenneth RunessonDegree: Professor Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1973 Projects: TS12 MU1 MU11 MU14 MU17 MU18 MU19 MU25 MU33 EU10 Knut Andreas MeyerDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: October 2017 Licentiate thesis: Modeling and experimental characterization of pearlitic rail steels subjected to large biaxial strains Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Andreas Menzel, TU Dortmund, Germany Doctoral degree: October 2019 Doctoral dissertation: Modeling and experimental characterization of large biaxial strains and induced anisotropy in pearlitic rail steel External PhD examiner: Professor Odd Sture Hopperstad, Department of Structural Engineering, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Norway Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 772 1495 Projects: MU34 MU41 Kourosh NasrollahiDegree: MSc Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 700 463 756 Projects: TS22 Krste CvetkovskiDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: April 2010 Licentiate thesis: Temperature stability of railway wheel steels Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Thomas Hansson of Volvo Aero, Trollhättan Doctoral degree: October 2012 Doctoral dissertation: Influence of thermal loading on mechanical properties of railway wheel steels External PhD examiner: Professor Dietmar Eifler, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany Projects: MU23 Lars JacobssonDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: January 1999 Licentiate thesis: A plasticity model for cohesionless material with emphasis on railway ballast Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Kennet Axelsson, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Luleå Technical University, Luleå, Sweden Projects: MU1 SP7 Lars NordströmDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: January 2003 Licentiate thesis: Load identification using time domain methods Licentiate seminar leader: Mr Svante Karlsson, Lic Eng, Volvo Powertrain AB, Gothenburg, Sweden Doctoral degree: November 2005 Doctoral dissertation: Input estimation in structural dynamics External PhD examiner: Professor Anders Klarbring, Department of Mechanical Engineering (IKP), Linköping University, Sweden. Projects: TS6 Lennart JosefsonDegree: Professor Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1507 Projects: MU6 MU8 MU11 MU18 MU21 EU4 EU7 EU15 Magnus EkhDegree: Professor Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 3479 Projects: TS15 TS17 TS22 MU14 MU19 MU20 MU21 MU28 MU32 MU33 MU34 MU35 MU36 MU37 MU40 MU41 EU10 SP21 SP31 SP32 Mandeep Singh WaliaDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: March 2017 Licentiate thesis: Towards enhanced mechanical braking systems for trains - Thermomechanical capacity of wheel treads at stop braking Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Daniel Thuresson, Vetec AB, Sweden Doctoral degree: November 2019 Doctoral dissertation: Mechanical braking systems for trains - A study of temperatures, fatigue and wear by experiments and simulations External PhD examiner: Professor Paul Allen, Institute of Railway Research, University of Huddersfield, UK Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1978 Projects: SD10 Marko MilosevicDegree: MSc Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 031-772 66 97 Projects: TS21 Martin PeterssonDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: October 1999 Licentiate thesis: Noise-related roughness of railway wheels - testing of thermomechanical interaction between brake block and wheel tread Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Sven Ödeen, SJ Teknik, Stockholm, Sweden Projects: VB2 EU1 Martin SchilkeDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: June 2011 Licentiate thesis: Comparability of railway rail steels low cycle fatigue behaviour Licentiate seminar leader: Adjunct associate professor Johan Moverare from Linköping University Doctoral degree: March 15, 2013 Doctoral dissertation: Degradation of railway rails from a materials point of view External PhD examiner: Dr. Gunnar Baumann, DB Netz AG, Germany Projects: MU24 EU10 Mats AnderDegree: PhD, Senior Lecturer Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1972 Projects: EU10 Michael PatrikssonDegree: Professor Research department: Mathematical Sciences E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 3529 Projects: MU26 MU27 Michele MaglioDegree: MSc Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 15 10 Projects: TS20 Mikael EnelundDegree: Professor Research department: Applied Mechanics E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 51 15 Projects: SD9 Mikael FermérDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: April 1991 Doctoral degree: December 1993 Doctoral dissertation: Railway wheelsets - theory, experiments and design considering temperatures, stresses and deformations as induced by braking loads and contact forces External PhD examiner: Professor Karl-Olof Olsson, Linköping Institute of Technology, Machine Design, Sweden Projects: Milad MousaviDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: June 2014 Licentiate thesis: Towards adaptive bogie design Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Sebastian Stichel, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: September 2016 Doctoral dissertation: Multiobjective optimisation and active control of bogie suspension External PhD examiner: Professor Jose Luis Escalona, University of Seville, Spain Projects: SD9 Mohammad Salahi NezhadDegree: MSc Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: +46 769 397 117 Projects: MU38 Nasim LarijaniDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: May 2012 Licentiate thesis: On the modeling of anisotropy in pearlitic steel subjected to rolling contact fatigue Licentiate seminar leader: Assoc. Prof. Jonas Faleskog, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: June, 2014 Doctoral dissertation: Anisotropy in pearlitic steel subjected to rolling contact fatigue - modelling and experiments External PhD examiner: Professor Stefanie Reese, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Projects: MU19 Nasrin TalebiDegree: MSc Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: Projects: MU41 Niklas KöppenDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: November 2006 Licentiate thesis: Deformation behaviour of near fully pearlitic railway steels during monotonic and cyclic loading Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Jens Bergström, Materials Engineering, Karlstad University, Sweden Research department: Materials and Manufacturing Technology Projects: MU16 Nils-Erik WibergDegree: Professor Research department: Applied Mechanics E-mail: Projects: VB5 VB9 Per HeintzDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: December 2003 Licentiate thesis: On computational contact and fracture mechanics Licentiate seminar leader: Docent Jonas Niklasson, Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: September 2006 Doctoral dissertation: Finite element procedures for the numerical simulation of crack propagation and bilateral contact External PhD examiner: Professor Paul Steinmann, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany Projects: MU12 Per SjövallDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: October 2004 Licentiate thesis: Component synthesis and identification in structural dynamics Licentiate seminar leader: Mr Anders Daneryd, Lic Eng, ABB Corporate Research, Västerås, Sweden Doctoral degree: November 2007 Doctoral dissertation: Identification and synthesis of components for vibration transfer path analysis External PhD examiner: Professor Daniel J Rixen, Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Projects: VB7 Peter HansboDegree: Professor Research department: Jönköping University Projects: MU12 Peter MöllerDegree: PhD, Senior Lecturer Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1505 Projects: TS6 TS12 Peter TorstenssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: November 2009 Licentiate thesis: Rail corrugation growth on curves Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Roger Enblom, Bombardier Transportation, Västerås, Sweden Doctoral degree: November 2012 Doctoral dissertation: Rail Corrugation Growth on Curves External PhD examiner: Dr. Stuart Grassie, Stuart Grassie Engineering Ltd, UK Projects: TS11 TS16 MU31 EU14 EU16 SP29 Ragnar VidarssonDegree: MSc Projects: VB11 Ralf JänickeDegree: Associate Professor Research department: IMS E-mail: Phone: Projects: MU40 Rikard BolmsvikDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: May 2000 Licentiate thesis: Static and dynamic finite element analysis of concrete sleepers Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Lennart Ågårdh, Swedish Defence Research Establishment (FOA), Stockholm, Sweden Doctoral degree: November 2002 Doctoral dissertation: Structural behaviour of concrete railway sleepers External PhD examiner: Dr.techn. Jens Jacob Jensen, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway Projects: TS10 TS19 MU5 SP9 SP12 SP16 SP17 SP23 SP27 Robin AnderssonDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: June 2014 Licentiate thesis: Surface defects in rails – Potential influence of operational parameters on squat initiation Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Rickard Nilsson, SLL Trafikförvaltningen, Stockholm, Sweden Doctoral degree: June 2018 Doctoral dissertation: Squat defects and rolling contact fatigue clusters - numerical investigations of rail and wheel deterioration mechanisms External PhD examiner: Dr. Richard Stock, LINMAG GmbH, Vancouver, Canada Projects: MU31 Roger JohanssonDegree: PhD, Senior Lecturer Doctoral degree: June 2005 Doctoral dissertation: On distributed control-by-wire systems for critical applications External PhD examiner: Professor Martin Törngren, Department of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 5729 Projects: SD3 Roger LundénDegree: Professor Docent degree: March 1993 Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1511 Projects: TS5 VB2 VB3 VB4 MU3 MU4 MU9 MU22 MU27 SD4 SD7 SD8 SD10 SD11 EU1 EU6 EU7 EU8 EU9 EU10 EU13 EU14 EU16 SP14 SP15 SP34 Rostyslav SkrypnykDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: June 2018 Licentiate thesis: Towards simulation-based optimisation of materials in railway crossings Licentiate seminar leader: Dr. Matin Sh. Sichani, TüV SüD, Stockholm, Sweden. Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1495 Projects: TS17 Sadegh RahrovaniDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: February 2014 Licentiate thesis: An integration-reduction scheme for simulation of large systems with local nonlinearity and uncertainty - Application to moving load problems in railway mechanics Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Clas Andersson, GKN Aerospace, Trollhättan, Sweden Doctoral degree: March 2016 Doctoral dissertation: Structural reliability and identification with stochastic simulation - Application to railway mechanics External PhD examiner: Professor Erik Johnson, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA Projects: TS9 TS14 Sara CaprioliDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: December 2011 Licentiate thesis: Combined thermal and mechanical loading of railway wheel treads - a numerical study of material response and cracking under braking conditions Licentiate seminar leader: Mr Steven Cervello, Lucchini RS, Italy Doctoral degree: January 2015 Doctoral dissertation: Thermal impact on rolling contact fatigue of railway wheels External PhD examiner: Dr. David Fletcher, University of Sheffield, UK Projects: MU21 Shahab TeimourimaneshDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: February 2012 Licentiate thesis: Railway tread braking temperatures -- Numerical simulation and experimental studies Licentiate seminar leader: Docent Ulf Sellgren, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Doctoral degree: March 2014 Doctoral dissertation: Thermal capacity of railway wheels – investigation of temperatures, residual stresses and material fatigue with a special focus on metro applications External PhD examiner: Dr Marko Tirovic, Cranfield University, UK Projects: SD7 Simon NiederhauserDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: February 2003 Licentiate thesis: Properties of laser cladded railway steel Doctoral degree: December 2005 Doctoral dissertation: Laser cladded steel – microstructures and mechanical properties of relevance for railway applications External PhD examiner: Professor Andreas Mortensen, Laboratoire de métallurgie mécanique, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Schweiz Projects: MU7 Sucheth BysaniDegree: MSc Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: Projects: TS24 Thomas AbrahamssonDegree: Professor Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1506 Projects: TS1 TS4 TS6 TS9 TS13 TS14 VB1 VB7 SP30 SP31 Tomas McKelveyDegree: Professor Research department: Signals and Systems E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 8061 Projects: VB7 Torbjörn EkevidDegree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: December 2000 Licentiate thesis: On computational wave propagation in solids - with emphasis on high-speed train related to ground vibrations Licentiate seminar leader: Professor Larsgunnar Nilsson, Solid Mechanics, Linköping University, Sweden Doctoral degree: December 2002 Doctoral dissertation: Computational solid wave propagation - numerical techniques and industrial applications External PhD examiner: Professor Roger Owen, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wales, UK Projects: VB5 VB9 Tore DahlbergDegree: Professor em Projects: TS2 TS3 TS7 EU5 Tore VernerssonDegree: PhD, Docent Licentiate of Engineering: September 1997. Licentiate thesis: Thermally induced roughness of tread braked railway wheels - a noise-related problem Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Adam Blomberg, Volvo Trucks AB, Gothenburg, Sweden Doctoral degree: June 2006 Doctoral dissertation: Tread braking of railway wheels – noise-related tread roughness and dimensioning wheel temperatures: field tests, rig measurements and numerical simulations External PhD examiner: Professor Andrew Day, School of Engineering, Design & Technology, University of Bradford, UK Docent degree: September 2016 Research department: M2 E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 8501 Projects: TS20 VB2 MU21 MU32 SD4 SD7 SD8 SD10 SD11 EU8 EU13 EU18 EU20 SP15 SP29 SP34 Viktor BerbyukDegree: Professor Research department: Applied Mechanics E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 1516 Projects: SD6 SD9 Wolfgang KroppDegree: Professor Research department: ACE E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 2204 Projects: VB10 VB11 VB12 VB13 Xin LiDegree: LicEng Licentiate of Engineering: November 2014 Licentiate thesis: Numerical prediction of track settlement in railway turnouts Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Eric Berggren, EBER Dynamics, Sweden Research department: Applied Mechanics E-mail: Phone: +46 31 772 38 25 Projects: TS15 Åsa Fenander (now Åsa Sällström)Degree: PhD Licentiate of Engineering: September 1994 Licentiate thesis: Modelling damping by use of fractional derivatives Licentiate seminar leader: Dr Thomas Abrahamsson, Saab Military Aircraft, Linköping, Sweden Doctoral degree: May 1997 Doctoral dissertation: Modelling stiffness and damping by use of fractional calculus with application to railpads External PhD examiner: Professor George A Lesieutre, Pennsylvania State University, USA Projects: TS3 |